About Me

When we are no longer able to change a situation,
we are challenged to change ourselves.

Viktor Frankl

I am an adult developmental psychologist (Ph.D., educational psychology, University of Minnesota) in independent practice. My consulting practice helps professional education programs in higher education meet the demands of outcome-based evaluation required by accreditation entities. For the past 12 years, I have focused my research efforts on ethical professional identity formation in medical, legal, and dental education. Research on medical professional identity (MPI) has guided development of medical school professionalism curricula, and remediation interventions for individual lapses in professionalism among medical students, residents -- evidence-based approaches also useful for other professionals facing disciplinary actions for ethics and professionalism sanctions. In my coaching practice, I help adults achieve a self-authored identity more resilient to negative social influence, increasing their capacity for effectiveness on the job, health, and well-being. Research shows that developing a strong ethical professional identity helps individuals improve their ability to act with integrity, in harmony with their values and beliefs.

My focus is on utilizing constructive-developmental approaches that define professional identity as the growth of psychological, social, and emotional capacities that shape how one makes sense of their role. My work is built on the groundbreaking work in measuring moral development of the late Dr. James Rest and Dr. Muriel J. Bebeau of the University of Minnesota. My current clients include New York University Langone School of Medicine, the University of Illinois Medical Schools, and Quinnipiac University Frank Netter School of Medicine.

My program development work for non-profit or government agencies help women or men understand the root causes of violence in society, drawing upon culturally specific resources relevant to the African-American and West African communities, and develop the cognitive and emotional skills to permit the health and wellness of individuals and families to flourish. Each year, I provide pro bono services to a number of clients as a contribution to the community. I am passionate about social justice and strive to grow capacity of organizations to provide equitable access to justice, health, and wellness to all stakeholders.

You can find me on Linkedin
